IoT mesh network: Benefits & Most Used Protocols

September 05, 2024

The Internet of Things has altered how we interact with the world around us, connecting a wide range of devices to speed up operations, boost efficiency, and improve our daily lives. The IoT mesh network is essential to this connectivity since it uses a decentralized network topology that allows devices to communicate directly with one another, resulting in a robust and adaptable infrastructure.

IoT mesh networks are designed to provide seamless connectivity between devices without having a central hub. A mesh network allows each device, or "node," to send and receive data while relaying information to other nodes. This interconnected web of devices will enable data to continue through the network even if one or more nodes fail, boosting the network's reliability and resilience.

What is the meaning of a mesh network?

What is the meaning of a mesh network?

Mesh network is formed with nodes wirelessly connected to each other. These communicate through software and nodes that understand how to get, put, process data. There are also Gateways which connect to the internet, and endpoints, these devices transmit their own data but do not relay from other nodes.

The individual nodes are connected and communicate using different channels that make the network more fault-tolerant than a single node or one connection failing. If any of the nodes or paths fail, its get auto changed itself by self-healing algorithms (It fails over). The combination of each node to extend the radio signal (example Wi-Fi or cellular) farther than its previous one, which eliminates coverage gaps.

In a mesh network, the information from node to gateway travels through different paths in terms of decentralization. In the field of networking, data can be transmitted using primarily two ways which are Flooding and Routing.

To flood is to send the data everywhere in the network. As not all nodes are active at the same time, they only receive a subset of data (and store that). A protocol picks nodes to move data, aiming throughput being maximized. The drawback is that it consumes a tremendous amount of technology whilst providing speed in data transfer.

Routing provides an alternative, and self-healing is a built-in mechanism of its best implementation - shortest-path bridging. It sets initially only one node to act as receiver. If it is not available, data will be passed through in another manner.

Where mesh network is used?

A mesh network has an advantage over traditional network configurations since a node can still send data to a router by interacting with a nearby node even when it is far from the central hub. Mesh networks are great for home and medical monitoring, as well as security and industrial management.

Mesh networks are ideal for devices that require constant connectivity in areas with weak wireless signals or extensive coverage. They are appropriate for indoor environments or municipal infrastructure, such as street lights and sensor-based techniques.

Imagine a city bustling with technology, where a variety of IoT devices are at play. We're talking about smart streetlights, air quality sensors, and even trash cans that keep track of how full they are. It's a mesh network paradise, the kind that's perfect for cities needing to blanket vast areas and seamlessly add more devices as they grow. But what's truly fascinating is how these wireless mesh networks adapt to their environment. They can tweak their structure based on weather, ensuring signals stay strong and reliable, come rain or shine.

Take streetlights, for example. Cities want to make them smarter—not just to save on maintenance costs, but to boost security and efficiency. So, they go ahead and install these intelligent lights, each equipped with sensors and wireless communication tech. Every streetlight becomes a node in this expansive mesh network.

Now, here's where it gets interesting: these streetlights aren't just standing there lighting the way; they're chatting with each other, sharing vital information. Picture this: as evening falls, each streetlight adjusts its brightness automatically, reacting to ambient light levels or sensing motion. If someone walks by, the lights instantly brighten, enhancing visibility and safety in that area. The sensors also keep tabs on each light's status, alerting maintenance teams if repairs are needed.

Communication within this network mainly happens through two methods. The first, called flooding, involves sending signals like motion detection alerts to nearby lights, helping them sync their glow. The second method involves routing status updates about each light back to a central control hub. If any path gets blocked, the data cleverly finds an alternate route, ensuring a stable connection no matter what.

Certain lights act as entrances, connecting the mesh network to the city's central control system via the Internet. These portals collect information from streetlamps and offer the ability to oversee and control them from a distance.

Benefits of the mesh network

Benefits of mesh network

Decentralized and self-healing

IoT mesh networks are decentralized, which means there is no central point of failure. Each node in the network has direct communication with its neighbors. If a node fails, the network can automatically route around it to preserve connectivity. This makes mesh networks extremely durable.

Extended range and coverage

Mesh networks can provide wireless coverage across a vast geographic region by having nodes relay signals to one another. Each node works as a repeater, boosting the signal. This enables mesh networks to cover areas that would be difficult or costly to reach using a traditional centralized network.

For example, in a smart agriculture mesh network, sensors in fields can interact with one another and a central hub even if some nodes are far apart or in locations with poor cellular coverage.

Scalability and flexibility

Adding more nodes to a mesh network expands the number of possible paths, which improves performance and reliability. Mesh networks are easily scaled up and down by adding or deleting nodes as needed. New nodes can automatically join and calibrate to the mesh.

For example, a smart factory can begin with a small mesh network of sensors and actuators, which can be readily expanded by adding more nodes as the business grows and new equipment is installed.

Suitability for IoT

Mesh networks' decentralized, self-healing, and scalable nature makes them ideal for IoT applications that demand dependable connectivity across several devices in harsh settings. Mesh networks can use low-power, low-cost IoT technologies such as LoRaWan and Bluetooth.

For example, a smart building mesh network can connect HVAC systems, lights, security cameras, and other IoT devices, ensuring reliable communication throughout the complex.

What are the two mesh protocols that are used most often with IoT devices?

The procedures for the Internet of Things determine how data is sent through the Internet. IoT protocols ensure that data sent from a device or sensor is received and processed by another device, gateway, or service. Different situations and uses have resulted in the creation and adjustment of a variety of IoT protocols. Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication protocols enable machines to share data without requiring human involvement. This protocol is necessary for facilitating automated data exchange in different applications like smart grids, industrial automation, and telemedicine.

Listed below are two commonly used mesh protocols in IoT devices:

Zigbee mesh topology

Zigbee can be used with different network configurations like star, tree, and mesh. In a mesh topology, each node can directly connect to nearby nodes, resulting in redundant data paths. If a Zigbee node malfunctions, the network will automatically seek out an alternate route to ensure communication continues. ZigBee mesh networks exhibit high resilience due to this fact.

Zigbee mesh networks can expand by adding more nodes, boosting available routes, and improving overall efficiency. Zigbee was designed to optimize power consumption, allowing battery-operated end devices to function for long durations.

A Zigbee mesh network within a smart residence can connect different IoT gadgets such as bulbs, thermostats, and detectors. If one of the light bulb nodes fails, the other bulbs can still connect to the central controller by transmitting the signal via the mesh network.

Bluetooth mesh

Bluetooth mesh is a modern networking standard that makes use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Bluetooth mesh networks like Zigbee do not rely on a single point of failure. Nodes possess the capability to communicate directly with each other, without the need for intermediaries. Bluetooth mesh enables seamless communication between devices of different brands as long as they follow the standard.

These devices are designed for fast communication, ideal for real-time IoT activities such as building automation. Smartphones and tablets can link up with and operate the devices, establishing a user-friendly interface.

In a smart office Bluetooth mesh network, occupancy sensors, lighting, and HVAC systems can collaborate to make real-time adjustments to the environment efficiently and reliably.


IoT mesh networks are a game changer in connectivity, offering a resilient, decentralized design that improves scalability, dependability, and efficiency in the world of linked devices. As we navigate the complexities of modern technology, these networks promise to alter a wide range of industries, from smart homes to industrial automation, by seamlessly linking numerous devices into a unified ecosystem. IoT mesh networks provide exceptional creativity and usefulness by fostering interconnectivity without centralized control, heralding a future in which connectivity is ubiquitous, durable, and intelligently managed.