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Kaa IoT Cloud

IoT device management, tracking, and analytics made simple

No expertise required No IoT development
expertise required

Build your IoT solution via an intuitive user interface

End-to-end IoT use case End-to-end IoT
use case

Connect your device to the cloud, track, and analyze data

Full PaaS for getting started in double quick time Full PaaS for getting started
in double quick time

Your IoT platform in the cloud, all set and ready

Straight forward pricing plans Straight forward
pricing plans

Subscription price based on number of connected devices, no extra fees

FREE ACCOUNT Start exploring while your tea brews Create a free Kaa IoT Cloud account in minutes Try it free Arrow

What you can do with your Kaa IoT Cloud

The Kaa IoT Cloud is a developer-friendly cloud environment powered by the Kaa IoT Platform that allows you to easily add your devices to the cloud, manage their status and activity, track telemetry, analyze data, and many more. Sparing you any setup, hosting, and configuration troubles, the Kaa IoT Cloud offers excellent time-to-market for your IoT projects or PoCs. It is also great for your personal IoT solutions, such as smart home or smart metering.

While complex enterprise IoT needs will typically require having a custom setup of the Kaa IoT Platform, smaller companies and IoT startups can launch their projects much faster by using the Kaa IoT Cloud. Depending on your further needs, you can continue with the Cloud option or, for full control over the setup, easily migrate your applications and data to a custom Kaa platform instance.

  • Track telemetry, location, and other device data in real time
  • Remotely configure and control your devices
  • Set up alerts depending on events and conditions
  • Create custom dashboards for your IoT use case
  • Manage users and access rights
  • Use our pre-built IoT templates for popular solutions

With Kaa building an IoT solution is a simple and straightforward process. Kaa's toolbox includes a variety of built-in IoT widgets, flexible application management tools, customizable UI, and flexible user management. No prior IoT development experience is required!


Create cloud applications and services to enhance your device capabilities and increase their appeal to your customers. For example, you can build an IoT application that manages firmware updates on thousands of remote devices and lets you maintain multiple firmware versions simultaneously.


Increase your operational and business efficiency through automation of asset monitoring, maintenance, and performance analytics. Create custom dashboards to gain a 360 degree real-time view of your company’s assets.


Faster time-to-market, agility, and focus for your IoT projects

The many benefits of IoT are well known by now. However, technological complexities and security considerations have discouraged many companies from deploying IoT. Kaa addresses these concerns through an all-inclusive IoT PaaS environment that's secure and easy to configure. Kaa performs many of the cumbersome configuration and integration tasks for you, thus allowing you to connect a device to the cloud in a few simple steps! Completing your pilot project on the Kaa IoT Cloud will most likely take less time than going through the beginner’s course on other popular cloud platforms.

Making a specific emphasis on an intuitive user interface, the Kaa IoT Cloud offers great flexibility in how you can manage your devices and dashboards. You can neatly organize multiple solutions on your tenant, simultaneously maintain multiple versions of your solution, use device context to automatically populate dashboard data, and, of course, create custom dashboards. You can even set up branding and a custom color scheme for your Kaa IoT Cloud user interface! We designed it with enough agility to help you implement very unique IoT use cases whenever you need to.

The Kaa IoT Cloud also allows you to maintain a better focus on what you really want to achieve with IoT. Considering a vast pool of potential use cases, it’s just too easy to get sidetracked by countless new innovations and trends. That’s why our goal was to give our users a solid feature set for their end-to-end IoT use case but without further complication and expensive add-ons. As we continue to evolve our offering, we take special care that it remains as accessible and easy to use.

Home dashboard with connected devices

Key features and capabilities

Cloud with connected devices


IoT device management includes keeping track of your device inventory, operational status, history of executed commands, and other data. Also, this feature is the foundation for efficient asset management when it comes to managing hundreds or thousands of connected devices via a single cloud UI. The Kaa IoT Cloud UI offers structured metadata view, filtering, sorting, and search capabilities. Using these features, you can easily find the exact device you need among numerous others in your application, drill down into an individual device context, and have a 360 degree view of your inventory.

Telemetry tracking

Visualize your live device data on a variety of dashboard widgets provided by the Kaa IoT Cloud. You can track real-time telemetry as well as historical data, displaying it in the format of a chart, meter, gauge, map, etc. depending on your preferences and purpose. Data visualization widgets allow for wide configuration options to address some advanced needs, such as multi-chart overlay or thresholding, and to ensure that small details, such as device metadata or custom map pointers, are properly set.

Cloud and data visualization widgets
Cloud with multiple software versions and execute commands

Commands and software updates

Use the Kaa IoT Cloud to remotely execute commands on your devices, upload or download data, and update device software. For each of these tasks, there are purpose-made widgets available out of the box. Using flexible configuration options, you can easily set up necessary command payload. You can also track the history of executed commands and their completion status. To manage device software versions, there are a few widgets that allow you to roll out updates, set up timing or conditions, and view and maintain multiple software versions at once.

Analytics and alerts

To ensure end-to-end IoT development experience, the Kaa IoT Cloud provides out-of-the-box analytics and alerts features. Analytics allows you to perform highly granular analysis of your device telemetry, understand trends, and filter out noisy data. Alerts make it easy to set up thresholds and rules on which you’ll be immediately notified whenever live device data deviates from the norm. There are also tutorials and help available inside the Kaa IoT Cloud that will make your work as effortless as possible!

Cloud with analytics and alerts